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Super Hero – Vacuum Brazed Diamond Blades



Vacuum brazed diamond blades are made with a much higher quality process than typical sintered or laser welded diamond blades. Blades mostly have a mixture or diamond matrix of different materials that are bonded onto the steel core of the diamond blade. With the vacuum brazing process, the segments are coated in diamonds. Instead of regular diamond blades that wear away and almost re sharpen themselves, vacuum brazed blades use the exterior of the segment of the cutting edge. 

On your average diamond blade, you can tell when the blade is toast when the segment has pretty much worn away, with brazed diamond blades, the segment gets smooth. These blades are typically used for ductile or metal cutting but are also used a lot by site workers and utility companies for hard concrete and reinforced concrete with a ton of rebar.

Our Super Hero Diamond Blade is a brazed blade that is used to cut pretty much any metal material. Most of our big construction and demolition companies go with this option because of its versatility and toughness.

ductile iron diamond blade

What Is The Best Gas Cut Off Saw? | Husqvarna K760 vs Stihl TS420


The Husqvarna versus Stihl debate is as old as Coke vs Pepsi, Ford vs Chevy, Road Runner vs Coyote…. Ok, you get the point, so what saw is the best? It really comes down to a matter of preference, but we polled over 100 contractors to try and determine who the Heavyweight Champion of the gas cut off saw was, Stihl or Husqvarna? Both saws have similar specs, the saws weights are the exact same, size is almost the same, so what makes the saws different? 

First, some insight on both saws at a glance:


Husqvarna K760 Pro’s

  • 5 horse power as opposed to Stihl 4.4 horse power
  • Price, $999 as opposed to Stihl $1099
  • Vibration Control



Stihl-TS420Stihl TS420 Pro’s

  • No plastic screws or hardware
  • Better Support Due To Market Share and dealers




Here are some stats and reviews from over 100 contractors that we polled:

  • 58% prefer the Stihl TS420 over The Husqvarna K760
  • 74% Of Husqvarna saw owners felt their saw was a good value and reliable
  • 79% of Stihl saw owners thought their saw was a good value and reliable

” Stihl saws are tougher and outlast Husqvarna saws 2 to 1″

“Husqvarna is just as good of a quality saw as Stihl but they are much cheaper and a better deal.”


Full disclosure, Diamond King is a little biased because we are a certified Husqvarna dealer. With that being said, pound for pound, we choose the K760. The reason is simple, price is significantly cheaper (15% or so), with performance ranking as high or higher in many key saw quality categories. The only thing that is clear is the Stihl offers a little more life. Either way you can’t go wrong with a Stihl Saw or Husqvarna demo chop saw!

Woolworth’s Store Demolition In Quincy MA


woolworth's demolition quincy ma

One of the best suburbs here in Boston is Quincy MA. There are big plans for this city to modernize and there are huge construction developments under way here. Basically, the whole city has plans for a monumental face lift that will change the city and give it a whole new look and feel.



woolworth store demolition  quincy ma
woolworth store demolition quincy ma

For the most part, Quincy getting infra structure and business improvements is great. There are however, a couple of sad things that happen when something like this takes place. Woolworth’s, the place where everyone in the city went to get grilled cheese sandwiches and pet hamsters, is now gone. Of course, Woolworth’s as a company has been gone for about 10 years, but the landmark building in Quincy Center still reminded us all of the old 5 and 10 store.  Until now that is.


Here are some pictures of the buildings demolition. Were our diamond blades used?

diamond blades quincy ma

Laser Welded Concrete Diamond Blades

Our Viper diamond blade is a laser welded concrete and stone cutting blade. In this video, we explain what the term laser welded means and what it does for you as a customer. We also describe what to look for when purchasing your diamond blades. Stone and concrete cutting applications require a soft bond on the diamond blade itself with the segments and the core.

The viper is our best selling blade overall. It can be used as a general purpose for cutting concrete, brick, block, stone and pavers. It is most popular with masons and hardscapers. Many concrete companies will also use these too.  

By far and away this is our best selling diamond blade and gives the contractor the biggest bang for his buck on versatile cutting applications.

viper diamond blade
diamond blades

How To Use Polishing Pads On Granite Kitchens


Polishing pads for marble and granite kitchen counter tops put the final touches on your slabs during installation. They are small discs, typically 3″ to 5″ that attach to a backer pad on an angle grinder. Because stone is imperfect, you have to go through a process to get the finished product. 

polishing pads, backer pads
50 grit polishing pad

Polishing pads should be though of almost like sandpaper. They start at 50 grit and go all the way to 3000 grit. The 50 grit is very coarse. You start the process with these to grind down any rough areas and work your way up to the finer grits of 3000. The 3000 will typically be the last polishing pad you use for your application. Many fabricators will stop at 800 though and use a variety of other techniques to get the stone to a desirable state.

It is important to have high diamond content in your polishing pads for longevity. Also, the thicker the polishing pad, the greater the life. There are also a variety of backer pads to choose from. Aluminum backer pads have the greatest life but are obviously rigid and have no “give”. Semi rigid rubber backer pads are highly recommended. The bend and can be used around edges and corners. They don’t offer the product life of the aluminum backers but are more popular and more economical.

Overall, make sure you are getting a quality brand, like Diamond King Tools, and getting the correct specs.

Diamond King Blades At New England Grows Boston MA


diamond blades in boston

Diamond King Tools recently exhibited at the New England Grows Show in Boston MA. We brought our world class diamond blades, core bits and power equipment there to put on display. We are also a certified Husqvarna rep and had our gas powered cut off saws on hand.

Boston is the home base for our company so it is always great to be able to meet new companies in the area and talk with them about their upcoming projects and what their needs are.

Nikki had her home made cookies for everyone who came and visited the booth. She even let the kids from the agricultural schools have some.

It was a great show and can’t wait until next year. 

NEW Concrete & Stone Turbo Diamond Blade .. Now We Have To Name It

concrete and stone diamond blade

Over the past year, we have been developing a new concrete and stone turbo diamond blade for our customers. We wanted what no other diamond blade company has.

So we drew up a high quality steel core with cooling holes. This allows the blade to outlast the competition but eliminating warping during high tension cutting. 

Then we added alternating turbo segments to give this blade lightning fast cutting. 

Finally, we laser welded our proprietary diamond powder onto the core to give you the best quality diamond blade for the under $100 price point.

Only problem is we need a name for it… Whoever names our newest diamond blade gets a free 5 pack! 

Need Faster Diamond Blades? Here’s What To Do

Diamond blades are sensitive. I don’t mean their feelings get hurt easily, what I do mean is that there are multiple issues that can cause a diamond blade to not cut properly and slow the cutting process. A diamond blades speed is extremely important to get your job completed in a timely manner. 

Turbo Diamond Blade

Slow cutting usually occurs when the material being cut is too hard for the segments on the core of the diamond blade. When you use the appropriate blade for the appropriate application, the diamonds on the segment wear away and expose new diamonds, thus keeping the blade sharp and cutting speed optimal. What you can do is cut a soft material  like asphalt, with the blade that is cutting slow. This will wear away the current layer of diamond and expose the next layer, thus “sharpening’ your diamond blade.

It is very dangerous to keep cutting in the slow cut condition, this can lead to segment loss and core cracks. Diamond blade safety is obviously important to avoid injury, but also, using the proper diamond blade for the material being cut will extend blade life and save your company money.

Best Demolition Diamond Blades | Demo Work


The best diamond blades for demolition work are combination blades with a medium bond. The reason for this is demo contractors are constantly cutting a variety of materials. Everything from concrete and asphalt to ductile pipe.

Thundercut Diamond Blades This blade is my favorite to recommend to demo guys. The Thundercut has alternating turbo segments to cut fast. Also, the cooling holes keep the blade cool during intense cutting action on abrasive materials. This is definitely the demolition industries favorite diamond blade.


Another one I like if there is an asphalt heavy job is the Hurricane. This blade has a lot of the

Hurricane Diamond Bladesame qualities of the Thundercut. In addition to those qualities it also has drop segments. This protects the core of the diamond blade when cutting asphalt and prevents undercutting. 

All in all we carry about 20 diamond blades that could be used effectively for demo work. These two are the best in my opinion. Here is a link to our most popular demo diamond blades

What Is A Laser Welded Diamond Blade?


Diamond King Diamond Blades

A diamond blade is manufactured in two processes. The first is the core design. This is when the steel is shaped and tuned so that the diamond blades being made from it are high quality and long lasting. The second is the welding of the segments onto the actual core of the diamond blade.

Laser welded diamond blades will tend to have a longer life and cut faster than sintered diamond blades. Sintered diamond blades have a much shorter life than laser welded and typically will not cut as efficiently.

The laser welding process with diamond blades fires the segments onto the core. This leaves the bond much stronger and produces a much better quality product. A good way to tell if a diamond blade is laser welded versus sintered is to look at where the segment meets the core. A laser welded blade has a much rougher looking edge than a sintered blade which is pressed on. See if you can tel which is which.

Laser Welded vs Sintered Diamond Blades

All in all, it is worth the extra few dollars you spend on the laser welded blades. Contractors get approximately 35% more life from a laser welded blade than a sintered diamond blade.