Home Asphalt Cutting How To Choose Asphalt Or Concrete? What Is Better? 💎👑

How To Choose Asphalt Or Concrete? What Is Better? 💎👑

How To Choose Asphalt Or Concrete? What Is Better?  💎👑

How to choose asphalt or concrete? Deciding what material to go with for your driveway construction project is obviously an important decision. For commercial or residential driveways, how to choose asphalt or concrete will be the first question you have to answer. The scope and cost of your project will obviously dictate which direction you will go in, but understanding the materials is important too.

asphalt cutting, asphalt paving

Asphalt Pro’s

  • CHEAP .. Asphalt driveways are about half as expensive as concrete driveways
  • Asphalt can be laid quick. Usually, it doesn’t take more than a day or two to get a residential driveway taking care of. Commercial asphalt paving will depend on the size of the area needing the work.
  • Asphalt is very durable. It can handle ice melting products or even withstand a poor installation job.
  • Asphalt has low maintenance costs. Repairs are short money and easy to mask cosmetically

Asphalt Con’s

  • Asphalt Longevity is shorter, 12-20 years on average
  • Must be treated and seal coated frequently


concrete cutting

Concrete Pro’s

  • Lasts long! Up to 50 years.. This is based on functionality more than anything else
  • Very durable and tough, lasts long as mentioned before

Concrete Con’s

  • Highly susceptible to cracking
  • Once damaged, not as easy to fix, patch or seal
  • Annual Maintenance will be required


Concrete and asphalt are both great options to go with. As far as look and maintenance are concerned, I think asphalt is overall the better material to pick. If you need the driveway to be more permanent, and by permanent I mean lasting 30 years, then the extra cost for concrete is worth it. What do you think?