Home Asphalt Cutting Will It Cut? Episode 6: Will A Tiger Shark Diamond Blade Cut A Bowling Ball 🎳

Will It Cut? Episode 6: Will A Tiger Shark Diamond Blade Cut A Bowling Ball 🎳

Will It Cut? Episode 6: Will A Tiger Shark Diamond Blade Cut A Bowling Ball 🎳

On Episode 6 of Will It Cut? We used the Tiger Shark diamond blade on a Husqvarna K770 cut off saw to try and cut through a bowling ball. We had a ton of requests for this so it was time to go to our local bowling alley, steal a ball and try and cut it.

We didn’t know what bowling balls were made of. We figured it was either porcelain or marble, which means a diamond blade should slice it up easy. The shape of the bowling ball is really the problem with a smooth cut. Round items roll obviously so that creates the issue of having the ball stand still while the Tiger Shark rips through it.

For predictions:

Chris predicted “that it’s actually gonna struggle” … probably meaning the blade cutting the bowling ball?

Nelson said “let’s see see, I have no idea on how it’s gonna go”

Colby said ”this will be the one thing we do that doesn’t cut and make it all the way through”


The diamond blade cut the bowling ball relatively easy. We only secured the ball by putting it inside of four pavers, so it did jump around quite a bit. Nelson has to cut into the ball from about seven different spots to finally dismantle it. It took about 5 minutes total to get through the bowling ball. We honestly borrowed the ball from a bowling alley in New Hampshire and we were supposed to take it back. Call Colby Anderson to get reimbursed!