On Episode 6 of Will It Cut? We used the Tiger Shark diamond blade on a Husqvarna K770 cut off saw to try and cut through a bowling ball. We had a ton of requests for this so it was time to go to our local bowling alley, steal a ball and try and cut it.
We didn’t know what bowling balls were made of. We figured it was either porcelain or marble, which means a diamond blade should slice it up easy. The shape of the bowling ball is really the problem with a smooth cut. Round items roll obviously so that creates the issue of having the ball stand still while the Tiger Shark rips through it.
For predictions:
Chris predicted “that it’s actually gonna struggle” … probably meaning the blade cutting the bowling ball?
Nelson said “let’s see see, I have no idea on how it’s gonna go”
Colby said ”this will be the one thing we do that doesn’t cut and make it all the way through”