Best Demolition Diamond Blades | Demo Work


The best diamond blades for demolition work are combination blades with a medium bond. The reason for this is demo contractors are constantly cutting a variety of materials. Everything from concrete and asphalt to ductile pipe.

Thundercut Diamond Blades This blade is my favorite to recommend to demo guys. The Thundercut has alternating turbo segments to cut fast. Also, the cooling holes keep the blade cool during intense cutting action on abrasive materials. This is definitely the demolition industries favorite diamond blade.


Another one I like if there is an asphalt heavy job is the Hurricane. This blade has a lot of the

Hurricane Diamond Bladesame qualities of the Thundercut. In addition to those qualities it also has drop segments. This protects the core of the diamond blade when cutting asphalt and prevents undercutting. 

All in all we carry about 20 diamond blades that could be used effectively for demo work. These two are the best in my opinion. Here is a link to our most popular demo diamond blades